Institut Monte Rosa – International School

Core values and guiding principles

Person Centered – Collaborative – Skill Building – Self-determination – Quality of life

We believe that: So we:

Self-esteem is an essential part in student well-being and learning

  • Are respectful to students, when talking to and about them
  • Keep expectations high and offer respectful, age-appropriate learning tasks
  • Use strength as a channel to overcome / improve deficits
  • Celebrate accomplishments privately and publicly
  • Listen carefully to what students have to say about themselves and their learning.

Education is essential in establishing strong inclusive communities

  • Model continuous learning in our own growth and development
  • Use positive presuppositions in all of our work and actively seek to address any misperceptions about students

Each child has a right to privacy

  • Follow established protocols for managing confidential information

Awareness and self-knowledge are essential for success in life

  • Are strong advocates for students
  • Teach student acceptance, meta-cognition*, and self-advocacy
  • Understand and accept multi-cultural perspectives in relation to disability while balancing advocacy for student learning
  • Teach students how to monitor their stress levels
  • Teach social skills within the context of our daily interactions
  • Consciously support students in developing emotional intelligence
Each student has her/his own challenges and needs
  • Use multiple methods of assessment to come to know students very well and holistically
  • Balance inclusion and remediation based on student need
  • Seek best practices in learning support for each student based on their learning profile
  • Provide clear communication, both verbal and written, to ensure common understanding with regard to student needs
Collaboration is essential in ensuring the quality of the student’s learning
  • Work to build and sustain relationships with Faculty members, staff, assistants and families
  • Work as a multidisciplinary team
  • Engage students in collaborative learning

* Metacognition is one’s ability to use prior knowledge to plan a strategy for approaching a learning task, take necessary steps to problem solve, reflect on and evaluate results, and modify one’s approach as needed. It helps learners choose the right cognitive tool for the task and plays a critical role in successful learning

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